Download File Via Terminal Mac

Apple’s Mac is one of the best operating systems out there and there are so many applications like browser, utilities and lot more available for this OS. We have been showing how you can use Mac to develop your own experience day by day.

You know that browsing internet without having a browser is impossible but downloading any file without any browser is not impossible. Although there are so many browser like Chrome, Firefox, Safari (best one) for Mac OS X but if you do not like to use them to download any file, here is a trick.

You know if you are using a browser to download any large file, you will fall in trouble during browser crash. However, Safari doesn’t crash frequently but there is guarantee. Isn’t it? That is why Mac Terminal is a good substitute.

Download and install a.dmg file from Mac OS terminal. I created a bash piece of code that downloads a.dmg. Open up Terminal (Applications Utilities) and type in: sudo find / This will display all the apps you have on your computer. From there, you can copy and paste the results into a.

How to download any file using terminal in Mac?

How to Download Any File using Terminal in Mac. Guest User February 8, 2014. Share it on Facebook Share it on Twitter. How to download a file in a Mac from the terminal The best tool you can use with a Mac to download a file is curl, so first go to the folder you want to download the file to and issue this command. Medium is an open platform where 170 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking. Here, expert and undiscovered voices alike dive into the heart of any topic and bring new ideas. Free contact management.

This is however very easy. You just need the download link and that’s all. Just open your Terminal in Mac and start typing the following line;

curl –O url


curl –O

Download Stats:

You will get a better download stats than any browser in Terminal. You will get total file size, remaining time, current download speed, received memory, spent time and so on.

That’s it! Hope this terminal trick is helpful for you.

Feel Free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.
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Since macOS is based on Unix there are a number of ways to compress files and folders within the filing system using Unix based application code, below are a few options using the Terminal or command line interface (cli). The default command line application interface in macOS is the Terminal and is stored in /Applications/Utilities.

File and folder compression saves on file size and ensures the contents are captured and delivered or stored as one monolithic file. A compressed file which contains files and folders is generally referred to as an archive. Here are some built-in compression applications you can use including zip, tar, gz, bz2, gz and dmg.

ZIP – Cross Platform

First up is ZIP one of the most commonly used compression techniques used across all platforms

To compress

To extract

If you want to make a zip without those invisible Mac resource files such as “_MACOSX” or “._Filename” and .ds store files, use the “-X” option in the command so:

TAR.GZ – Cross Platform

Mac terminal move file

Second up is TAR, an old favorite on Unix/Linux – you add the GZ for the compression – compresses tighter than zip

To compress

Free pro tools software for mac. To extract

TAR.BZ2 – Cross Platform

A variation on TAR GZ but with better compression than both tar.gz and zip.

To compress

To extract


Without the tar

To extract

DMG – macOS Only

This one is macOSnative only – for a GUI interface use /Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility – for command line use:

To create

To mount

Add fonts to mac. On the Mac you use the Font Book to add the font and then copy it to the Windows Office Compatible folder. Many third parties outside of Microsoft package their fonts files to reduce file size and to make downloading faster. If you have downloaded a font that is.

To view

To Eject

How To Download A Terminal

You can also use a number of different formats for creating a .dmg

  • UDZO – Compressed image (default)
  • UDRO – Read-only image
  • UDBZ – Better compressed image
  • UDRW – Read/Write image
  • UDTO – DVD disk image

Terminal Download File

That’s the low down, the more common compression packages available will typically be covered in one of the above.